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Charlotte Tomic | Page Turner Awards


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Here's an article where I'm featured as a thought leader in public relations:


DotCom Magazine interviewed me about Public Relations August 2020 in the Age of Covid.....


Charlotte, thank you so much for participating in the DotCom Magazine Entrepreneur Spotlight Series. We really appreciate it. This series spotlights leaders, thought leaders, founders and CEO’s that are making a difference in their respective fields.. To begin, we would like to ask you some questions about your business:

    • Let’s start by telling us about your business.
      I work with universities, associations, authors, companies and nonprofits to shine the spotlight on their programs, products and leadership to their strategically targeted audiences using all media platforms.

    • Please tell us how you make sure your customers will become raving fans of your company?
      I provide individualized counsel to clients to help them maximize their visibility and boost their bottom line. In this difficult Covid pandemic, most clients are working from home offices and we need to make sure they are adept at using Zoom and SKYPE for available media opportunities to get them the coverage they deserve. So far it’s been a challenge, but we hope with time things can normalize and we can again meet in person and develop those personal bonds vital to achieving clients’ goals.

    • Please tell us the one thing that separates your business from the competition?
      Experience. I work with only senior-level practitioners who understand the labor-intensive requirements of the job and who are persistent in getting results for our clients.

    • And to finish this section, Please tell us what is the one major key to your company’s success?
      Working with clients who understand public relations and how it can help burnish a brand without the expense of advertising but with more credibility to their consumers who value 3rd party endorsement. Influencers are swayed more by journalism than advertising, and now social media adds much to the media mix in terms of brand-building.

    • For our readers just starting to build a company, what advice can you give entrepreneurs just starting out with a new venture?
      Use social media to your advantage by making sure you’re easy to find on LinkedIN, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Respond to posts by potential clients to create a dialogue and build a relationship. Join groups that may be interested in your product or service locally, like NextDoor or Patch. Hire a publicist when you’re ready to take it to the next level.

    • For entrepreneurs seeking to build a business as successful as yours, what big piece of advice can you give them when times get a little challenging?
      Maintain relationships with clients throughout your career. You never know when that client will be able to recommend you to someone who is looking for your expertise. Continually build up your contacts and stay in touch with them virtually so they keep you top of mind when they need you.

    • In today’s fast changing business environment, how do you stay abreast of things?
      I’m a self-confessed news junkie and I read at least 3 newspapers daily plus I watch different news programs on TV and online to know what’s happening in all topics from business to science, from education to politics. I prefer to absorb global news, not just domestic, and that keeps my head straight from hearing strictly politics or Covid updates, which is what mainstream U.S. programs are obsessed with.

    • What is your “Why”? In one sentence, why do you get up in the morning?
      To reap the benefits of life not taking any day for granted.

    • In one sentence, what is the most important thing one has to do to be a great leader?
      Share your knowledge and give back to others.

    • In one sentence, describe how important your customers are to your business?
      I value my customers and they eventually become part of an extended family.

    • In one sentence, describe a positive way that technology can make the world a better place?
      Reduce fake news, conspiracy theories and noise on the web.

    • In one sentence, tell us how something positive to motivate our readers?
      Eventually there will be a vaccine for Covid and things will normalize. Until then, listen to science not pundits, and don’t be selfish.

    • In one sentence, tell us how you start your day to get ready?
      I do some meditation (deep breathing and yoga exercise), take a shower, get dressed and make a delicious creamy espresso to start the day.

    • In one sentence, describe how you handle rejection and setback?
      I’m so used to rejection and respond kindly to it by thanking the person for letting me know why they chose another consultant and ask to keep me in mind if things don’t work out.

    • In one sentence, describe how you keep your sanity in a competitive business environment?
      I listen to classical music and talk – not text – to my friends on the phone.

    • In one sentence, describe what your hiring philosophy is?
      Pick someone who has enthusiasm and a smile in their voice.

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Charlotte Tomic, President, Tomic Communications. Charlotte, thank you so much for participating in the DotCom Magazine Entrepreneur Spotlight Series. We really appreciate it, and stay healthy!


Previous articleTed Kallmyer Certified Nutritional & Fitness Coach, Author, and Editor of, A DotCom Magazine Exclusive Interview

Andy Jacob

Andy Jacob is Editor In Chief of DotCom Magazine, and an entrepreneur and investor based in The United States. Jacob is the founder and CEO of DotCom Magazine Andy Jacob is also the Founder and CEO of The Jacob Group, bringing more than 20 years of executive experience founding and leading startups and high growth companies. Jacob is a pioneer in the fields of consumer finance, online customer acquisition, and consumer monetization. Jacob has been seen as a guest financial expert on CBS, ABC, NBC, Time Warner, and Bloomberg. Jacob’s companies have also been covered by The Wall Street Journal. Jacob is turning the billion dollar consultation industry upside down with his “one-hour” coaching and consulting practice, focused on startup entrepreneurs and visionaries who are creating innovative companies. Leveraging his experience and strategic abilities, Andy is known for breaking down business problems quickly and efficiently. Jacob’s mission is to provide entrepreneurs easy solutions for complex problems. Jacob is the author of “The Beautiful Start-Up Quiz”, and an active investor, business owner and entrepreneur, While Jacob is best known for his business savvy, his favorite accomplishment is being a founding supporter and executive board member of The Friendship Circle, an organization that provides individuals with special needs the support, friendship, and inclusion they deserve. Jacob and his wife, Kristin, are also supporters of numerous animal charities.




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